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Assure the visitor that solving their problem shouldn't be this hard

Process Plan


What to do first?

Describe what the first step is you want your visitors to engage in



What to do then?

What's the result?

Describe what the first step is you want your visitors to engage in

Describe what the first step is you want your visitors to engage in

Optional: Authority

Add logos of companies you worked with or are affiliated with


Empathy Statement

Here describe that you understand what your client is going through. In a few sentences, tell your story of struggle (or tell about one of your clients' struggles)


Solution Statement

Here describe how it doesn't have to be this hard. That there is a solution. Briefly paint a picture of an ideal outcome.


All training images are kindly provided by

Kimberly Dunlap - Willow Ridge Equestrian Center

Avoid This Failure Statement

Bold Header

A specific pain or frustration your client experiences

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A specific pain or frustration your client experiences

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A specific pain or frustration your client experiences

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A specific pain or frustration your client experiences

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A specific success that they can only achieve with you

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A specific success that they can only achieve with you

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A specific success that they can only achieve with you

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A specific success that they can only achieve with you


What Our Happy Clients Say:

"[Add testimonial of one of your students. Ideally let them describe their pain and their achieved desires.]"


"[Add testimonial of one of your students. Ideally let them describe their pain and their achieved desires.]"


Benefit-driven bullets of what's in this guide

  • benefit 1

  • benefit 2

  • benefit 3

  • benefit 4

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Offer or Method

Subheading focusing on benefit

Explain your offer or method


Offer or Method

Subheading focusing on benefit

Explain your offer or method


Offer or Method

Subheading focusing on benefit

Explain your offer or method


Offer or Method

Subheading focusing on benefit

Explain your offer or method


All clinic images are kindly provided by

Lucie Klaassen - Balanced Rider and Horse

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